I have used the docupilot extention for airtable since it was introduced, and today it has stopped working because Airtable has depreciated API keys, and are now using Personal Access Tokens. When will the docupilot extention be updated to include PATs vs APIs? Please soon. I
Hi Gina,
Docupilot’s Airtable extension isn’t affected by the API key deprecation as it works through Airtable’s built-in system. If you’re facing issues, could you share a screenshot? If not, feel free to reach out to our support team for help!
Airtable allows me to connect an API key from Docupilot, but the connection when I use the extention does not connect, and the export doesn’t work. I’ve reconnected with a new API, I’ve updated the delivery and reconnected the folders. Nothing appears. I can’t send a screen shot of something that isn’t happening. This worked fine on the 31st, it now does not work. The only difference is the depreciation of the API keys.